Scriptures and Mission

The module of globalization enlightened us of the need for humane condition in our activities globalized world. There is the task to create awareness in partakers of activities in the globalised world that economic and political interests should not be the sole governing principles in market transactions, there is need for these to be guided by moral principal if this globalised world would want to truly effect equity and justice. Having seen the loop created in relationships in the globalised world, it awakened in us, ‘custodians’ of moral values to advocate the role of this need for humane condition even in market relationship. However, it brought to our awareness that these moral values are not our personal and individual reflections rather, they form the core message of the Mission of Christ entrusted to us through the Church.  This, therefore, awaken the awareness of the need to have a re-look at this Mission of the Church in which we partake in. And the facilitator to guide us in this process was Fr.  Rosario Francis, sma.

In his presentation, he took us through four perspectives namely:

  • Mission and Nature
  • Mission of Jesus
  1. Descending
  2. Ascending
  • Mission of the Apostles
  • Our Mission

On Mission and Nature, scriptures, according to the facilitator,  ‘revealed’ to that there is a created Other and this is the world and all that is in it. All that is in it are of two categories namely: visible and invisible. Thus, from the reading of the first three chapters of the Book of Genesis, we acknowledged the existence of two prominent realities: the Creator and the Created (Creatures). cf. Gen. 1-3; 1:1-28. God is identified by His nature as The Creator (that is His identity) and the Others as Created. Among the created, we have the Creatures, of which human is inclusive. However, although creature and was created, we are with a difference.  The difference is that the human person is created in the “image and likeness of God”. cf. Gen. 1:26. Scriptures, continuing in its presentation, revealed that we are created in the image and likeness of God, we have therefore, a privilege to share in some aspects of the very nature of God, the Creator.  It is on this privilege of sharing the nature of God that hung our identity. This identity we should understand from Scriptures as our “ability to understand and make choices in freedom”, for that is who God is- one who brings to exist in freedom. For God, the act of creation is constant and continuous. cf. Jn.5:17. It is good to be aware that being creatures, we received from God, the design and nature of the life given to us by the Maker. For us to bring to fulfillment this design and nature of ours, there is need for a certain level of acceptance of our being. It is with such awareness that we will be able to plan and shape the future. Our awareness of the need for acceptance of our nature makes it easier to live out a relationship of Dependence. Therefore, if we are to depend on our Creator then there is need for an attitude of Obedience. The word “Dependence” from scriptures is to be understood as an “attitude of Acceptance” and not an act of ‘merely leaning’ on God- that is waiting on him to do everything for us. While “Obedience” on the other hand, is to “listen and respect” the dictates of God in creation, for the dictates of God are simple explanation of his artwork. Our identity as the image and likeness of God gives us rights and responsibility.  Our dependence and obedience in our relationship with the Creator gives us the ‘mandate’ to plan and shape our future. This mandate to plan and shape granted us by the Creator also calls for Accountability. The presence of rights and responsibility also calls for accountability. It is this aspect of accountability that scriptures express as destiny. cf. Mtt.24:36-50.  For our rights and responsibility are accorded to enable us make decisions, judgments, create communion (fraternity) and also separation. Indeed, we have the choice to effect transformation (decision) or to condemn (judgment) and to establish a fraternal bond (communion) or to go away from (separation). It is thus, good to be aware that our destiny therefore, is a consequence of our decisions, judgments, communion and separation. Mtt. 20:….Whatever way we want to go, it is a choice made and they are but fruits of the expression of our freedom. Indeed, our relationship of dependence and obedience with God does not deprive us of freedom. For, in choice, we define our destiny. When such awareness is neglected, then there is possibility of following the path of fear and greed which may make us to ‘steal’ instead of receiving from God and to listen to our passions instead of the commandments of God.

From Scriptural presentations, we have come to this awareness that the human person is endowed with an identity of the “image and likeness” of the Creator, God.

  • Jesus, the prototype of God: Every creature carries the ‘signature’ of God but as for us, we carry the image and likeness of God. Christ is the prototype, for he is truly God and truly Man and has been so from the beginning. His birth into our world as flesh happened in history and was seen but did not introduce something new to the nature of the second person of the Trinity. He is the bridge between humanity and divinity.
  • Divinity is caring for nature: From biblical perspective, Divinity is caring for nature. We are created together with other creatures but our identity made us to participate in the caring role of the Creator. (c.f. Gn. 2:15; 28-29). Our participation in God’s creative act is to care for all that he has created and for the purpose of our wellbeing. This highlighted the fact that as creatures and co-creatures, our existence depends on each other. Thus, if we do not care for one another, we, ourselves, will die. The word “dominion”, as highlighted by scriptures is “to nurture and care” for the entire creation.
  • Freedom: One of the benefits of identity as image and likeness of God is the “ability to understand and make choices” (c.f. Gn.2:16-17). The fact that we express the ability to choose between two or more alternatives is an expression of freedom.
  1. In freedom, God respects our choices. However, he proposes to us to choose what is good. (c.f.Deut.30:19).
  2. Jesus knocks at the door, giving us the opportunity to invite him in. (Rev.3:20-21)
  3.  In freedom, we are to listen to Jesus and follow him as we read in the annunciation story of Virgin Mary’s response. (Lk.1:26-38)                                    
  4. The possibility of Sin is a sign of great respect for our and the choices we make.
  • By our nature, we are created to be imperishable (Gn.2:17; Wis. 22:23). It revealed that our life is not limited to this earthly activity. It consequences for mission- horizontal and vertical dimensions.
  1. Sin and Death: (Gn.3:1ff) with our freedom, we have the possibility of choosing what is not good for us. What happens often is that we get deceived, by seeing something bad as good. It is awareness that our knowledge is not perfect. As human, we have the ability to think, to analyse and to make decision but up to us to discern. It indicates that art of discernment is vital for us human beings.
  2. The expose brings to our awareness: of a new character-the Devil who comes to deceive. The sin of the devil is of twofolds: a) pride and b) envy. It is good to note the order. It was as a result of pride that Lucifer was cast out of heaven. And through his envy that sin entered the world.(Tim. 3:6, wis.2:24)
  3. In this same light, we look at humility and jealousy. Humility is accepting the truth and our nature. While jealousy pushes us not to accept the truth and our nature-by not being contented with what we have are.
  4. Gift and stealing: if to judge from its end result, both is to make us possess something. However, a gift is given and received and it expresses an acceptance of TRUTH and here is posited love, generosity and gratitude. But when it is taken, it is a denial of the truth and kills relationships.
  5. Devil, enemy of God and nature: Scriptures presentation, we can deduce the nature of Lucifer as an enemy of God and of nature.
  • Temptation to Eve- presenting the situation in an attractive way: become like God, independent of God and get knowledge not meant for you.
  • Tower of Babel-solidarity in sin
  • Possession –get an experience of senses through human body. But the devil is a spiritual being
  • It is an ape of God and imitates incarnation, where Jesus is man and God, both corporal and spiritual.
  • God shares his Vision, Mission and Life with everybody.
  • Angels:
  • Messengers- God sent his angel (Raphael) as messenger and travelling companion and a healer (Tobit 5:1-7 ; 12:1-20; 8.)
  • Punishment to Sodom (Gn.19)
  • As response to prayer- (Gn.21:17-18; Tobit
  • To convey a message of God: vocation stories: Gideon, Samson (Bk. Of Judges), Annunciation (Lk.1:26-38) Acts
  • Support people in their mission while fleeing from Jezebel(1Kgs.19)
  • Defend the children of God(Rev.12:7-9)
  1. Destiny (Consequences of one’s decisions- judgment, communion and Separation-heaven and hell). The choice of some angels made them ‘fallen angels’ (Rev. 12:7-9). Their activities will be to continue to tempt people to rebel against God their Creator. Rebelling against the Creator is rebelling against nature and the Truth- refusing to accept one’s real state.
  • Names given to the Devil: When compared to God, the names closer to describe God are: love, life, truth. But for the Devil, we have death, hatred, lies etc.
  • Murderer from the beginning (Jn.8:44)
  • Ancient Serpent and deceiver (Rev. 12:9)
  • Accuser of those who believe in Christ (Rev.12:10)

As a reflection, we come to this awareness: life on earth is not a right but a gift and so in the same way is heaven and it is a privilege. It (life or heaven) has to be received with gratitude. With this also, is the awareness that there is the possibility of receiving is real.


The Mission of Jesus:

  1. Jesus Mission Descending: Mission of Jesus descending speaks of the ‘movement’ of Jesus coming down to share our humanity. From human experience, it is usually the ‘lower’ personality that struggles to be associated with the ‘successful’. It is a movement from the bottom to the top and this requires a lot of efforts and teaching of techniques and it is competitive. But for Jesus, even though, he is the role model, the successful one, he chosed to begin from below. The nature he took is characterized by defects and imperishability. This, he did, inorder to effect an invitation that shall enable humanity to be restored to its original nature in creation. (Lk.7:34). His descent was characterized by his association with from below but also, it involved a deliberate acceptance of being ‘contaminated’ with the sins of below. This very act he took as a mission- something to accomplish. His coming among us and in our nature was real just like other events of his life: birth-been born as a child in Bethlehem, Baptism at the river Jordan, temptation in the garden of Gethsemane and his Crucifixion and Death in Golgotha. The consequence of this act of Jesus, reaching out to the bottom is to teach us that death is not the end of life’s journey. Thus, when scriptures say “he descended into hell”, it expresses the very act of Jesus looking and reaching out to the lost and meeting them is their condition of being Jn.14:6.
  2. Jesus Mission Ascending: Jesus’ mission did not end by his descent to take the nature of the human person. His descent below has the mission objective of raising humanity to its original perfect state in creation. This is his true nature, always and forever doing good. cf. Mk.1:40-48. The mission of Jesus, from both perspectives, manifests liberation, forgiveness, invitation to transformation, hope, restoration of Jn.6:1-15; Mk. 14:22-26.
  3. Mission of the Apostles: The mission of the Apostles of Jesus has its root in the actual event of the resurrection of Jesus, who was their teacher and master. It was the consequence of the event or reality of the Ascension of Jesus and of which they were beneficiaries and also commissioned to share with others. The event of the resurrection is the centre message of the presentation of the experience of the Apostles of Jesus their teacher and guide. cf. Acts.2:14-41. In their presentations, one finds these steps: history, purpose, and promise of the mission entrusted to them. And from these presentations, it is clear that Resurrection is not reincarnation. Resurrection is eternal life and not the bringing back or the awakening of the spirit of the dead.
  • Kerygma to Application: From Scriptural presentations of the preaching of the Apostles, we observed a pattern of sharing the resurrection of Christ experience as this affected their lives and then to the mandate to invite others to conversion and new life in Christ. This therefore, highlighted a new understanding of life and most importantly, life after death (Acts 26:2-23). As commissioned agents of the gospel of Christ, the experience of the reality of the resurrection of Christ should also help us to undergo a conversion of mind and heart. This should encourage us to have a re-look at our understanding of life and life after death in our cultures and societies. Also, such a “re-look” may guide us in understanding the motivation of certain scientific developments, market strategies and general lifestyle of the people. Some questions to help us in reflection:
  1. How do I understand the main aspects of the preaching of the Apostles?
  2. How has this affected my daily life and pastoral ministry? (considering)
  • Poverty and riches
  • Sickness and health
  • Death and Causes
  • Possibilities after death
  • Authority, its origin and purpose
  1. In the light of the Kerygma, what is my understanding of :
  • Resurrection and its significance
  • Exaltation
  • Forgiveness of sins and freedom from sins
  • Salvation and eternal life.

Role of the Holy Spirit: The presence of the Holy Spirit is to move us to a life of renew. To see things in the light of the forgiveness of God through the power of the resurrection of Christ. Thus, the main themes in conversion will be:-

  • Repentance-change of mind set/orientation
  • Be baptized- becoming a member of Christ’s family consciously
  • Receive forgiveness of sins
  • Receive the Holy Spirit
  • Freedom from the bondage of sin

However, there were occasions when the Holy Spirit was received first before baptism (Acts 2 and 13)

4. Obstacles to Mission: cf. Acts 4:1-22. In this Mission of the Apostles, like Jesus, they encountered obstacles. Such obstacles ranged from:

  • Majority Religion of the Place: In every environment, there is a majority religion. The religion being practiced by the majority of the populace and this tends to unite them. It means then, it always feels threatened by a new religion coming into such environment. (Do a reflection on your own environment of origin)
  • Other Christians(not in communion and inculturation): The reality of today presents us with the context of Christian groups but of a different communion. Such groups tend to present to the populace sometimes, ‘fake’ messages and interpretation of the resurrection experience as presented by the scriptures.
  • Those who lose financial benefits:Those who lose financial benefits by the introduction of a new religion among the people will definitely protest and become violent towards the organizers of the new religion.(Acts 13:4-12; 16:16-24; 19:19; 19:23)
  • False prophets and teachers: As we have it in scriptural presentations, both of Old and New testaments, there were false teachers and prophets. So, too, today.Although not inspired by God but pretend to give his message.(Jer.23:16f)

5. Real Enemy- the Devil: (Jn.15:18-21) The activity of the devil is to deceive us by presenting us with false and imperfect knowledge. Voila its characteristics:-

  • Knows God but does not serve Him: The human knowledge is imperfect and this is gives tendency to doubt. In the case of the devil, it knows God and acknowledged that He is the Creator but refused to serve Him and thus refuses its nature. In this light, it cannot participate in the mission of God.(Jas.2:19)
  • Liar and Murderer: (Jn.8:44). Truth makes a person humble but lack of it effects pride. Jesus is the truth, the Way and the Life.(Jn.14:6)
  • Tempter and Accuser: Temptation is to nurse a desire of falsehood. When such desire is granted a place in our life journey, it creates bitterness and grief. (Gen.3; 2Sam.13:4; Lk.22:47-48; 18:3; Mtt. 27:4; Rev.12:10)
  • Promise of Pleasure that leads to death: The devil gives the impression of an absolute life of pleasure without worries. But the end result is often death. (Mtt.7:13-14)
  • Ordinary and Extra-Ordinary Activities of Satan:
  • Temptation- directed to everybody. Temptation involves ‘teaching’ which leads to decision making by the individual. Often the promises in temptation are:
  1. (Prov. 1:11-16; Gn.3) Violence against a weak and innocent
  2. Desire for easy possession
  3. Tragic part presented as a game(pleasure)
  4. Sometimes, presents evil as good
  • Extra Ord. (Attacks, obsession, infestation, Possession
  1. Causes-voluntary opening created by people (witchcraft, cults, etc) either for power or knowledge.
  2. Explicit permission from God in the lives of some people (Job; Rev.12).

Therefore, there is need to balance the information (knowledge) we had received and value this in relation to its importance in our life journey. This is where discernment becomes a handy tool and the scriptures to guide us.


Signed: ICOF 2018 Media Team.


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