With this awareness on inter-faith dialogue, we were encouraged to make a downward movement into ourselves in acknowledgement of the presence of “Inner Child”. This journey of acknowledgement of Inner Child is somehow and sometimes tough thus, there is the need for guide of a positive experience. The facilitator picked by ICOF for this task was no other but Rev. Fr. John Baptist Masayi.
In introducing this module, the facilitator took us through an intinary:
- To listen and attend to our Inner child
- Essence of Inner Child attitudes
- How can our Inner child make of us integrated personality
- Management of Inner child
The facilitator pitched his presentation on the perspective of the Psychologist Eric Erikson’s psycho-socio theory. He went on to say that in every human, there is a psychodynamics drive that most cases control our moods in relationships. We do not pay attention to this due to the fact that we are always preoccupied with activities. This psychodynamics if looked into brings us to the presence and effects of Inner child.
Inner Child manifestations find their ‘roots’ in our human growth journey as revealed by findings based on psycho-socio theory:
In each of this phases there is a driving force: 1) hope 2) self control 3) direction & purpose 4) method & competence 5) fidelity 6) affiliation 7) care 8) wisdom
Reclaiming My Inner Child
Life is a mystery to be lived. Homecoming is the restoration of the natural. Such a restoration is not grandiose or dramatic; it is simply the way life ought to be.Reclaiming your inner child involves going back through your developmental stages and finishing your unfinished business.
In talking about normal ego state in inner child work, it refers to an ego state of a person that is not conflict. For an ego state in conflict produces anxiety in the person concerned.
Signed: ICOF 2018 Media Team.